Find us at the office

Brandshofer Deich 10, 20539 Germany, Hamburg

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Support Request

fill the form to find the troubleshooting from our Team

Support Request

    Bought (Date):

    Bought by:

    How/ where is the device stored?

    At what room temperature is the device used or stored?

    Are other devices connected to the ultraSBMS (mouse/keyboard) - including Bluetooth connections?

    The samples were pipetteddropped

    Has the error occurred several times, if so, what was the procedure when the error occurred for the first time?
    NoYesDevice restartedError message confirmed

    With the additional questions, we are primarily concerned with the error messages such as code 14120

    Please upload the following files:

    • Excel file from the run log of the failure

    • An image of the error

    • Possibly a video system showing how a faulty barrel was prepared and how it was dealt with afterwards

    Picture: Maximum data limit 2mb

    Video: Maximum data limit 10mb

    Document: Maximum data limit 2mb

    Notice: if you want to send us larger files (larger than 20 MB) we suggest to use another send methode like: wetransfer. Please use the same email address which you have used with our form so we can define its your files

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