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Brandshofer Deich 10, 20539 Germany, Hamburg

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Runtime between less than 30 and up to 50 Minutes. Related to the used PCR reaction kit.

SBMS I ultraSBMS16 is a high performance real time qPCR instrument.

The ultraSBMS16 is equipped with a 4-channel fluorescence optical system. ultraSBMS16 is optimally suited for applications where minimal space, fast time-to-result is required.

Runtime between less than 30 and up to 50 Minutes. Related to the used PCR reaction kit.

SBMS I ultraSBMS24 is a high performance real time qPCR instrument.


The ultraSBMS24 is equipped with a 4-channel fluorescence optical system. ultraSBMS24 is optimally suited for applications where minimal space, fast time-to-result is required.

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